Art Inspiration

Aug 11, 2013

My not so Fairy Witch Jar

Thank you Lori and Maura for hosting the Art Gathering Friday night. I think I speak for all there we had a fab time. I so enjoyed the project you had planned for us. And a special thank you to you both for the Witch fairies and ceramic cat on the pumpkin they just made my night.

Here's a couple pictures of what I made, I hope everyone will post theirs too.

Tea Lite Off

Look closely for the BOOK OF SPELLS

check out the bubbling cauldron

The not so scary, scary pumpkin

Aug 10, 2013

Hi ladies; Again sorry about not getting to see you all Yesterday, but today I printed out the directions for the fairy lite and am looking forward to making mine. I will be in the hospital Tuesday for blood work and then again Friday for an IV. Wed and Thursday if all is well I could meet someone to pick up my clock as I would love to alter one please let me know day and time. Again I am very sorry but If I must take pain meds I cannot drive. So hear from someone soon Much Love Donna

Christmas in August

Due to several requests [mine included] I have postponed the August ornament swap which was due to me by August 15th.  Ornaments will now be due to me by September 10th.  If you want to send them to me earlier that will be fine - but I will not exchange them until after the 10th of September.  If you need my address or any other info on this exchange you may either call me or email me at  I hope this gives many of you an opportunity to particiapte!  Enjoy the remaining days before Labor Day/Summer!!!


Thank You Lori & Maura

I want to thank you two for a wonderful gathering last night - the gals who were unable to participate missed a fun evening.  The project was so darn sweet Maura, the food was wonderful Lori and the company was even better! Bill, thank you for the terrific job as chief cook and bottle washer - you are special!  Lori, thank you for opening up your home to all of us again.  You gals always do such a wonderful job! 
good wishes,

Aug 9, 2013

July's Tim Inspired Tag

Here are the Tim Inspired tags for July.
Thanks Maura and Jen for playing.
Maura's Tag

Jen's Tag

Doris's Tag

Aug 8, 2013

Hey Gals,
I meant to send out a reminder earlier this week, but I'm sorry I forgot.  Just wanted to tell you if you have your Christmas ornaments ready for the exchange and you're going to the gathering at Lori's tomorrow you can give them to me then.  This will save you some postage....remember to bring a return mailer with postage so I can return them to you.  If your ornaments are not ready [mine aren't]the deadline to get them to me is August 15th - and if anyone still wants to participate but needs a little more time just let me know and I'll extend the swap until after labor day.  I would love to have a lot of you talented gals participate.  I know, I know, it seemed like such a long time since I posted the swap and now here it is right in our laps.   Remember this exchange will be repeated - due date to me will be around Nov. 30th. 

Looking forward to seeing most of you tomorrow and and will miss the gals who will not be present!
good wishes